Saturday, May 12, 2012

GIVEAWAY TIME!! {Fun} :: Greensboro, NC Photographer

Who doesn't love giveaways and contests?! Well, if you don't, then this isn't the post for you! ;)

I've been meaning to do a giveaway for a little over a month now, so here it is!!

The winner will get a *{FREE}* 30 minute photo session {$100 value} as well as a *{FREE}* mini print package!!! Yay!!! {Happy dance!!}

Ok, now the RULES {dum dum dum}... to be eligible for the giveaway you MUST do EACH of the following:

1.  Like Victoria Sharee Photography on Facebook {here}
2.  Share my Facebook fan page on your Facebook page promoting my business and that I'm having a giveaway
3.  Share a link to this post on your Facebook page so others can know the rules and play as well! {just hit the Facebook button on the bottom of this post! Easy, right?!}
4.  Comment on this post that you did all of the above for each time you did it { that means I can have THREE entries?!?!...YES!!!!}
5.  Wait for me to announce the winner {as patiently as you can}

Your entry is(are) your comment(s) on this post. I will be checking to make sure everyone liked, shared, shared again, and has commented no more than three times. You cannot just comment and run or you will be disqualified. I will go in order of the comments and have a number randomly drawn from to determine the winner. {So perhaps space your entries out to increase your odds...?!}

Giveaway will end on May 31st at midnight. I will announce the winner on June 1st here on my blog!

Will it be you?!?!

Wait, wait, WAIT!!!! I think we need TWO winners for this!!!! Grand prize first comment drawn gets the prize stated above. Second comment drawn gets 40% off of any session* as well as a *{FREE}* mini print package!!

{Facebook is in no way affiliated with this giveaway}

*does not include Belly to Baby Session or Special Events.


I would love for you to leave a comment! It's always encouraging and motivating to read what others think of my work!