Saturday, March 24, 2012

Kevin {Senior} :: Greensboro, NC Photographer

I had the privilege of photographing Kevin for his senior pictures. Graduating high school is a huge milestone and I'm thankful I was able to capture this time in his life! I have known Kevin and his family for a while now and I absolutely adore them! They are all incredibly giving and loving and don't even stop to think twice to serve someone else! Kevin is no different!

Loving the light in this one!

This is how Kev really is all the time! Cracking up at something!! :)

He takes his music seriously!

One of my favorites! Kev has a great smile!

Love the lines and texture in this one! Kev looks pretty good too! :)

Congrats Kev on your upcoming graduation! You are a great person and man of God and I can't wait to see where He takes you in life!

Friday, March 23, 2012

MIA {personal} :: Greensboro, NC Photographer

I have been so MIA lately! The past few weeks have been extremely long and draining. My family and I have had some major changes going on and we are just trying to roll with the punches and trust God and His infinite wisdom. He is so good to us, even when we don't realize it. Trusting in Him makes life worth living and makes the hard times seem not so hard. I am so thankful that He loved us all enough to sacrifice His son so we can live with Him forever in Heaven!!

I am also so incredibly thankful for my husband, who is my rock and always has this way of calming me down and helping me to see logic! And of course my beautiful little boy who just has to yell out "Ma-mee!!" and give me a big 'ole kiss and it's all better! I am so incredibly blessed with this precious family of mine!!

The loves of my life!

So incredibly blessed God gave me these two!!

Little man walking ahead....he thinks he's so grown!


Jason loves taking pictures too! He's still learning and I'm trying to teach him all I know (which isn't all that much! lol!) So of course, I had to make him a watermark and put his awesome shots on my blog!

Sweet boy!


"Give mommy kiss!"..."Noooooo!!"

I think we're looking at all the bikers that just whizzed past us!!

Just me!

I hope you enjoyed these photos of my beautiful family! I leave you with this verse that a friend texted me yesterday. I hope it encourages you as much as it encouraged me! We are loved by an amazing Father who will never, ever leave us!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

It's a.... {Gender Reveal} :: Greensboro, NC Photographer

Some of our best friends are expecting they're first baby and we are so incredibly excited for them! Their journey to getting pregnant was a little bumpy, but it is so awesome to see God work through what we think are disappointments and see how very much He wants to bless us. It is all about His timing. And I must say, it is most certainly perfect! I was absolutely honored to photograph Tim and Jenn's gender reveal! Is it a boy?! Is it a girl?!

Boy or Girl?! Either way, they're happy!

Is it a girl?!

Which ones will they let go?!

Bye bye pink balloons!

Not a girl...

...IT'S A BOY!!!! Eek!! New dad is sooo excited!! (New mommy is too!)

My fave! 

Little man is so incredibly loved already! And not just by mommy and daddy...we love you too little boy!!

The picture doesn't lie!!


Baby boy's due date!

They can't wait!

Little baby Isaac Degroot! Can't wait to meet you love!!

Soooo excited for you both! You are going to be amazing parents! Thank you for letting me be a part of this special moment! Can't wait for our future photo sessions! Much, much love from us Bunches!!

♥, Victoria